1. I [ Your Name ] S/o or D/o [ Your Father/Mother Name ] hereby declare that all statements made in this admission from documents attached therewith are true to my best knowledge and belief.
2. I fully understand everything and have personally filled up the columns. I will obey the rules and regulations of the institution.
3. I also undertake to follow all rules regulation of the Institution, If I fail to attend my class or due to my own fault or negligence after taking admission neither myself nor my guardian shall not claim for the fees or part thereof paid by me today. If I will make any unfair means in that condition Institution is totally free to take any action against me.
4. I declare that I have read and understood the contents of the Information Brochure of the KC Technical Institute in its entirely and do undertake to abide by the rules and regulations of the Institute as framed therein.
5. I understand that the fee paid by me at the time of admission.
6. I also understand that fee once paid are not refundable under any circumstance and no changes in course or centre of study is permitted after admission is granted.
7. I undertake to abide by the rules and regulations of KC Technical Institute that are in force or may be formulated during my course of study and to obey all directives and notices that may be issued by the Institute from time to time. I guarantee that during the period of my study in the Institute I shall not act or be party to any contrary to the rules and regulations of the institute.
8. I am aware that any of indiscipline on my part or my participation in any act of indiscipline by the students, on any ground, will lead to my summary expulsion from the institute and that the decision of the management of the Institute will be final and binding on me. I am also aware that if participate with any student or group of students in acts of indiscipline the management of the Institute may exercise their authority to declare the closure of the Institute sine die, should be of the opinion that the situation in the Institute is not conducive to an educational environment.
I read the declaration and I agree with it.
I, Mr./Mrs. [ Guardian Name ] do hereby declare that I have approved of my son / daughter / [ Relation with Guardian ] application for admission to the course in the KC Technical Institute. I have read the declaration of my son / daughter/ [ Relation with Guardian ] as above and I am in complete agreement with him/her.
I read the declaration and I agree with it.